Community News & Events2018-08-10T13:37:55-04:00

Southern Brooklyn COAD News

Creating our COAD Member Resource Book

Southern Brooklyn Community Organizations Active in Disaster (Southern Brooklyn COAD) has had a busy past few months working to build a community-driven disaster preparedness, response, and recovery network in Southern Brooklyn. In addition to geographically mapping COAD member locations to inform the community of which organizations are tapped into our community emergency network (we recently released our Community Disaster Resource Maps), we also conducted an in-depth resource surveying process to learn more about what resources and services COAD members may be able to offer in a disaster. This information was compiled into one useful directory we refer to as our “Member Resource Book.”

The creation of our Member Resource Book is the result of a community organizing and resource surveying process facilitated by the NonProfit HelpDesk of the Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island and funded by the New York State Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery that brought together 40 nonprofit, faith-based, and community-based organizations that serve Sea Gate, Coney Island, Brighton Beach, Manhattan Beach, Gravesend, and Bensonhurst to form the Southern Brooklyn COAD, a coalition working together to make sure that Southern Brooklyn is prepared for emergencies and disasters and that the region is best able to coordinate recovery after a disaster. Our resource survey was developed from similar work done by the Staten Island COAD through the Staten Island NFP Association and its Program Director, Laura Del Prete.

The Member Resource Book compiles and lists each organization participating in the COAD, the best ways to contact key people at each organization, and includes charts displaying which types of resources and services members may be able to provide in a disaster. The charts are broken down by service category (eg. social services, shelter, food & nutrition distribution), each of which includes a highly detailed list of specific resources – everything from case assistance, translation services, and donations management, to perishable food storage, vehicles for transportation, and showers/personal hygiene stations. The book also includes information on local government and civic bodies, citywide government agencies, other nonprofit organizations that are active in disaster recovery, volunteer groups, and more.

The book is designed to encourage and facilitate coordination of resource and service provision after a disaster among the nonprofit, faith-based, and community-based organizations that make up our membership. For example, if one organization receives 1,000 bottles of water from a donor, but does not have the space to distribute them, they can reference the book to see that another nearby organization has self-identified itself as a potential distribution location. Members can refer to the book to see who the most relevant partner is to reach out to for collaboration and can also use it to help direct local residents to additional needed resources and services.

The book is being distributed to our local COAD member organizations, community boards, and our citywide response partners.

October 18th, 2018|News|

Southern Brooklyn COAD Releases Community Disaster Resource Maps

Southern Brooklyn Community Organizations Active in Disaster (Southern Brooklyn COAD) has released its Community Disaster Resource Maps! The maps are the result of a community organizing and resource surveying process facilitated by the NonProfit HelpDesk of the Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island and funded by the New York State Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery that has brought together 40 nonprofit, faith-based, and community-based organizations from Sea Gate, Coney Island, Brighton Beach, Manhattan Beach, Gravesend, and Bensonhurst to form the Southern Brooklyn COAD, a coalition working together to make sure that Southern Brooklyn is prepared for emergencies and disasters and that the region is best served and able to coordinate recovery after a disaster.

Our Community Disaster Resource Maps show the names, addresses, and phone numbers of the members of the Southern Brooklyn COAD (those with physical locations), as well as the basic service/resource they provide year-round, in order to inform the community as to which organizations are committed to working together before, during, and after disaster to help connect them to services, resources, and information. The COAD operates under a “No Wrong Door” policy, meaning that if any one organization is not able to help a particular individual, they will make a best faith effort to connect them to someone who can.

The maps were created in four formats:


1. Regional Brochures/Folded Maps

The six neighborhoods the COAD represents were divided into three regions – Gravesend & Bensonhurst, Brighton Beach & Manhattan Beach, and Sea Gate & Coney Island – each of which has a unique brochure. Each has on one side a map all six neighborhoods and the locations of COAD member organizations; on the other side is a map focused on that specific region. Brochures are available in English, Chinese, Russian, and Spanish.


2. Refrigerator Magnets

Each regional map was also reproduced in a simplified, refrigerator magnet form. The magnets show COAD member locations and include a link to the COAD’s website where people can view the instantly updatable online map (see below).


3. Large Format Map

The COAD also created a large 48″ x 33″ map of the area and member locations that COAD members can used to direct community members to the locations of available resources or for internal disaster response planning. These maps are laminated so that they can be written on and erased as conditions change.


4. Instantly Updatable Online Map

Finally, the same maps are available as an instantly updatable online map that lives on our newly launched website: www.southernbkcoad.org. You can find the online map by navigating to the “Resources” tab and selecting “Community Resource Map.” Before or after a disaster, it can be updated daily with resource locations (cooling center locations during a heatwave, reception centers after a building collapse, resource distribution points, etc.).


The Southern Brooklyn COAD has been steadily growing over the past several months and we are excited for what the future holds. Already we have started distributing brochures and magnets at resource fairs and events to curious residents who have found the maps to be a useful reference. If you represent an organization or group in Gravesend, Bensonhurst, Coney Island, Sea Gate, Brighton Beach, or Manhattan Beach and are planning a event that you think would benefit from the COAD being present at to distribute these items, or if your group would like your own copies to keep on hand, please email: southernbkcoad@gmail.com.

September 17th, 2018|News|

Southern Brooklyn COAD Hosts Free “Stop The Bleed” Course

The Southern Brooklyn COAD followed up its recent “How To Survive An Active Shooter” training with a free “Stop The Bleed” bleeding control certificate course on Thursday, August 30, at the Coney Island Library. The course was provided in collaboration with Maimonides Medical Center. Participants learned how to recognize the signs of life threatening bleeding, how to treat the source of bleeding based on its location on the body, and how to apply a tourniquet and pack a wound/apply pressure in order to stop dangerous bleeding. The course empowers every day citizens with the knowledge and tools to be a first-first responder, before emergency medical services arrive, to save their own life or the life of a friend, family member, or any other person who has suffered a catastrophic injury.

The course teaches the ABCs of bleeding control:

  • A – Alert – call 9-1-1
  • B – Bleeding – find the bleeding injury
  • C – Compress – apply pressure to stop the bleeding

Following the presentation, attendees had the chance to practice for themselves applying a tourniquet and packing and applying pressure to a wound.

For more information on how to “Stop The Bleed”, visit www.bleedingcontrol.org.

August 31st, 2018|News|

Southern Brooklyn COAD Hosts “How To Survive An Active Shooter” Training

The Southern Brooklyn COAD partnered with Matthew Siefer of Radius Investigations and Guardian Security Training to provide a free “How To Survive An Active Shooter” training for the community on August 9, 2018. The presentation was particularly focused on how we can come together as a community to not only fight back against an active shooter and remain vigilant in paying attention to warning signs, but also to provide a loving and nurturing environment in which we support individuals so that they never reach the point where they see mass violence as an option.

Participants learned the fundamentals of when and how to RUN, when and how to HIDE, and when and how to FIGHT, as well as how to recognize potential warning signs.

For more information on how to be prepared for an active shooter incident, visit www.ready.gov/active-shooter.

If you would like to learn more about the presenter and the additional paid active shooter courses they offer visit www.gstny.com/anti-crime-active-shooter-seminars.

August 30th, 2018|News|

Southern Brooklyn COAD Wraps Up Capacity Building Workshop Series

Last week, the Southern Brooklyn COAD concluded its three-week capacity building series for nonprofits. Expert consultants presented workshops to help nonprofits learn the fundamentals of grant writing, program evaluation, and fundraising. We believe that an organization that is strong and capable year round will find it easier to remain strong and capable and recover from an emergency or disaster. People came from all across the city (and some even from New Jersey) to attend the workshops and they ended up being a blast!

Our “The Power of Grant Writing” workshop was facilitated by Dave Owen, Jeffrey Lischin, and Dianna Pell of Owen Consulting and it taught participants how to find and cultivate prospective grant makers and how to put together a compelling and effective grant proposal.

Our “Program Evaluation 101” workshop was facilitated by Favio German and Allison Quigney of Public Works Partners and it gave participants a comprehensive overview of program evaluation and how it can benefit one’s organization.

Our “Fundraising Made Simple” workshop was facilitated by Edward Leibman of Hudson Ferris and it taught participants how to find major donors and how to utilize effective messaging tools to tell their stories. Attendees even had the opportunity to take part in a mock solicitation with an actor hired to represent a potential donor!

Thank you to everyone who came out to our workshop series!

August 6th, 2018|News|

Upcoming Community Events

Bensonhurst Volunteer Ambulance/Knights of Columbus Florence Relief

Tuesday, September 18, 2018 – Sunday, September 30, 2018

St. Finbar Church, 138 Bay 20th St, Brooklyn, NY 11214

The Knights of Columbus and Bensonhurst Volunteer Ambulance (a member of the Southern Brooklyn COAD) will be transporting supplies to the Carolinas in support of Hurricane Florence relief/recovery efforts. Please drop supplies off from September 18 – 30 inside of St. Finbar Church (Benson Ave. & Bay 20th) to be transported on October 2.

They are collecting the following items for transport:

Cleaning Supplies

  • 3 mil contractor bags (only)
  • Brooms
  • Mops
  • Shovels
  • All purpose cleaner
  • Floor cleaner
  • Disinfecting wipes
  • Bathroom/tile cleaner
  • Plastic gloves
  • Packaged rags
  • Paper towels (2 ply)
  • Garbage pails
  • Buckets (9 qt)


  • Hammers
  • Multi-purpose screwdrivers
  • Wonder bars
  • Flashlights/batteries
  • Pliers
  • Work gloves
  • Face/dust masks
  • Protective eye wear
September 20th, 2018|Community Event|
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